Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blind sided by the ignorance of the youth (original post date 03/22/2010)

This past Saturday I attended an event with a friend (Nikia Moore) who is managing Sacramento hip-hop group Major League Spittaz at The Roadhouse off Bell Avenue.

I had never been to this venue nor had I heard the group perform live, so this opportunity provided me with several firsts. Well, a local Sacramento organization came up with a great venue so Sacramento pre-teens and teens could have a positive place to hangout and enjoy the company of their peers in a friendly and hostile free environment away from the streets.

Nikia, Courtney aka Century of MLS and other members of the group arrived at the venue ready into kick start the Safe Haven event in high gear, but instead of a warm welcome MLS was met with curious and confused eyes.

I say confused because Nikia and I both notice before, during and after the group's performance (which they killed it by the way) that our youth of today have become complacent with the commercialized brand of hip-hop heard on the radio or seen on the television. They missed the opportunity to see the genre in it's rare and creative form.

The group completed their set with a resounding silence that created the void between the hosts and the attended receivers of the lyrical messages provided by Major League Spittaz. The truth became evident as the adults witness the disconnection not only from the music but the purpose of Safe Haven.

We were blind sided by the youth and their appetite for everything opposite of the purpose for the event. The ideal of wanting to keep them safe by providing them with a Safe Haven from the streets had eluded them all together.

Every adult in that room had a look of fustration because as current leaders we felt a bit helpless and while looking around the room we realized that we are not only fighting with the streets but with popular urban culture to save the youth from itself.

I am going to pray that the Save Haven program is a success because the youth of Sacramento really do need it, especially with the looming summer months ahead.

Peace & Blessings,


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