Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Are you a hater or highly opinionated? (original post 03/15/2010)

Ever browse some of the pages on social networking sites like myspace, facebook and twitter? What did you see? Things that made you laugh things that make you cringe and probably a lot of self-absorption, right?

For every one good correspondence that is taking place on the World Wide Web, there are about 10 correspondences that are liable to end in disagreements which often leads to hatred.

Why is that? Let's take me (because it's my blog) for instance. I potentially hang out among like-minded people in various online communities but always manage to butt heads with several members because they dislike my views on a discussion or they either find my approach too straight forward therefore writing me off as indifferent or a HATER.

While I am strongly opinionated I am definitely not indifferent nor am I a hater. The thing is; I am not obsessed with hate, so  when I speak on a subject it's usually with clear and concise understanding of the matter with an opinion derived from logic and knowledge not passion and lack of knowledge.

Sometimes it's hard to understand how others draw their conclusions about this world we live in, but then again those same people have grown sensitive while becoming obsessed with labeling people as haters if someone disagrees with what they have to say or what they do.

Well I won't digress because I think people need to understand the difference between people who discuss opposition to offer evident truth as oppose to those who could care less about the truth but seek to make your life a living hell by disagreeing with you say or do.

People who don't know you can only offer up their opinion of what they perceive as an honest answer and/or observation. This is the case with most of the interaction that takes place via the Internet. So then why is it while I am roaming those mentioned social sites do I see people tripping over what people have to say?

You can't possible put yourself out there expecting EVERYONE to agree with what you say or do? It's unrealistic to think that your audience and followers are accepting of every single post and/or update that you give.

I have found that in this voyeuristic age the more personal information you provide for yourself to the world, the more likely to be met with disagreement, opposition and in small rare cases sarcasm. Should you accept it? No; but unless you live in a fishbowl where social events are just centered on your thoughts, feelings and emotions it's most likely that those "so-called" haters are going to slice you up a piece of humble pie.

Peace & Blessings,


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