Sunday, April 4, 2010

Twitter Files - Adam Lambert opens up about religion on twitter

To my surprise I logged onto my twitter account to read some very honest words from my beloved Glam Rocker Adam Lambert. According to his tweets, not only does he not celebrate Easter or Passover but he hasn't for years. Proclaiming that he is JEW ish by blood but not by practice, Adam Lambert does believe in a higher power and wished all of his followers a beautiful Easter or Passover anyway. 

I personally found it refreshing to read Adam being open and honest to his fans about why he does or does not celebrate Easter Sunday or Passover. Though I do not believe him being JEW ish by blood diminishes his reasoning, I do wonder if the reason why he doesn't celebrate any Jewish holidays is because he's gay. 

Adam if you read this, please feel free to add clarification to my last sentence. Thanks! :)

Twitter Files - Adam Lambert

@AdamLambert - But just b/c I don't celebrate it: I'd like to wish those who do a beautiful Easter or Passover. Hope your day is grand!!  

@AdamLambert  - I DO believe in a higher power.     

@AdamLambert - I haven't celebrated Passover in over ten years either. I'm Jew ISH by blood not by practice. I'm not religious. More spiritual. Now u know  

@AdamLambert - Thanks for the wishes, but I don't celebrate Easter friends. I'm not Christian. :)

Follow Adam Lambert on twitter:


Peace & Blessings,


1 comment:

  1. I should start using my twitter more. It's just so foreign to me... and some of the people on there are OUT OF CONTROL. However, I am glad that Adam was open and honest about his feelings towards celebrating Easter and/or Passover. Glad he feels comfortable enough to share sensitive information like that with his followers. Kudos to him!

